Friday 28 October 2011

How to pass parameters from Form to form

Sometimes we want to open a form from another form with the selected record . For this we need to pass the parameters from form A to form B . This could be achieved by using args class by overriding the click method of button on form A.
In this example we will use two forms form A is salesLine form and form B is inventenquiry form. when the user will click on the button on form A it will open form B filtering the record according the form A value.lets start

  1. Put a button on form A and override its click method
  2. write the following code

void clicked()
    Args args=new Args();
    Itemid itemid;
    FormRun formRun;
    ;; // invent enquiry is the form B
    args.parm(salesLine.ItemId);// passing the item id from Form A
    formRun = classFactory.formRunClass(args); /// passing the args class
3.Now override the init method of the form B data source inventTable

public void init()




Hope it helps

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