Saturday 4 May 2013

Insert text qualifier while Importing CSV file by X++

When importing CSV file by X++ code in Dynamics AX we may encounter a situation when we need to eliminate extra string from master data . That string may be in form of an extra comma or | or speech mark or any other symbol. To achieve this goal and clean maser data i have written a job. Good Luck 

static void Job669(Args _args)

    str         _text,note,cleanText;
    int         charpos,s1,s2,i,more;
    int         x;
   char        RepChar = ',';
   char        RepCharWith = ' ';
    str text(str text)
        s1 = strFind(text,'"',1,strlen(text));
        s2 = strFind(text,'"',s1,strlen(text));
        for (i=s1;i<s2+4;i++)
            charpos = strScan(text,',',s1,s2);
            text = strpoke(text,' ',charpos);
            s1 = strFind(text,'"',1,strlen(text));
            s2 = strFind(text,'"',s1+1,strlen(text));
            charpos = strScan(text,',',s1,s2);
            if (charpos > s2)
        if (s1 || s2)
            text = strdel(text,s1,1);
            text = strdel(text,s2-1,1);
        return text;
    more = 1;
    _text = 'AXT001,"House,42,ENF",Enfield,"U,K"';
    while( more !=0)
        _text = text(_text);
         more = strFind(_Text,'"',1,strlen(_Text));

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